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Where and how to vote?

Primary method.

Voters in the Netherlands may cast their vote in person at the polling station of their choice anywhere in the Netherland s.

Alternative method.

Voters in the Netherlands can also vote by proxy by giving a power of attorney to another voter authorising them to cast the vote on their behalf. To authorise another person to vote as their proxy , the voter must either complete the back of their polling card (‘ stempas ’) or submit a separate authorisation form (model L8). The authorisation form must be submitted to their municipality no later than five days before the election. Online voting is not possible in the Netherlands.

Polling day requirements

Voters in the Netherlands need to present their ID card and a polling card (‘ stempas ’). The same requirements apply to both nationals and mobile EU citizens

Who can vote?


An individual must meet the following requirements to vote in EP elections in the Netherlands:

Mobile EU citizens.

EU citizen s must be resident in the Netherlands in order to be able to vote there.

Registration requirements.

Nationals. Dutch citizens do not need to register, unless they are residing abroad and would like to vote in the Netherlands.

Dutch citizens residing abroad but wishing to vote E uropean elections in the Netherlands need to complete a one-time registration as a Dutch voter abroad with the municipality of Den Haag (The Hague) This will enable them to vote by post , by proxy or in person using a voter’s pass ( ‘ kiezerspas ’ ) if they are present in the Netherlands on election day. Dutch voters temporarily staying abroad can only vote by proxy .

Mobile EU citizens. EU mobile citizens must register to vote before 23 April 2024 by completing form Y-32 to vote in EP elections. This is a one-time registration that must be lodged with the municipality where the voter resides. On the Y-32 form, the voter must declare they are not voting in EP elections in any other EU Member States.


Nationals and mobile EU citizens who are excluded from voting by judicial decision are not allowed to vote in the Netherlands.

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